Thursday, November 1, 2007

How to eat that candy & still stay lean

**How to Enjoy the Halloween Treats & Still Stay Lean

With Halloween this week, no doubt you're probably surrounded
now by loads of sugar and corn syrup laden candy everywhere you
go... and now you're trying to avoid uncontrollably devouring
all of the candy laying around your house, so you don't blow up
like a balloon! Or you're beating yourself up because you gave
in and ate half a bag of kit-kats.

Well, don't worry about it so much, as long as you consider

Here's a tip you can use on how to combat the typical weight
gain associated with the candy binge that usually happens
throughout this week from all of the halloween candy laying
around. The problem is that you're tempted to indulge but don't
want to add extra blubber on top of those dear abbies.

Well, I say indulge... eat as much candy as you want! Gorge
yourself until you can't eat any more!

Now, here's the caveat... only do this on ONE DAY, and then go
cold turkey! You will not be able to do much damage with just
one single day of over-indulgence, as long as you call it quits
the very next day, and you make sure it doesn't happen again for
a VERY long time.

Actually, the sugar overload will spike your insulin and revamp
your leptin levels when kept to only one day. This, in turn,
increases your metabolic rate (but only when done very
infrequently). So go ahead and enjoy, but then end it quickly,
and get back to your normal healthy balanced diet.

Also, make sure to get a good high intensity weight training
workout done the day after your overeating day, and you'll get
one of the best muscle pumps you'll ever experience!

Same goes for the day after the Thanksgiving feast... a good
high intensity weight training workout the day after
Thanksgiving will give you the biggest muscle pump you'll have
all year long!

By the way, if you want to try some tasty little treats that
taste like dessert, but are actually made of organic dark
chocolate & have a decent dose of blood-sugar controlling
fiber (making them a sensible snack or dessert) check out the
delicious Prograde Cravers (Peanut Butter is my favorite

That's all for today... If you liked todays article, feel free
to fwd this email on to any of your friends, family, or
co-workers that would enjoy it.

Til next time... Don't be lazy, be lean.

Mike Geary
Certified Nutrition Specialist
Certified Personal Trainer
Founder - &

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