Thursday, November 22, 2007

Gobble your Thanksgiving feast & still keep a tight body

It seems that this week, all I keep seeing everywhere in the media and
in online fitness articles is how you need to control yourself this
Thanksgiving so you don't pack on the pounds from the feasting.

These articles tell you how you need to control your portions and be
disciplined on this holiday where you'll be tempted to stuff your face
with stuffing, mashed potatoes, turkey, yams, and all of the pies and

Well, I have a different opinion on this. Why should we restrict at
all? After all, it's only 1 day per year that you have this enormous
feast. Why not just eat as much as you want?

Seriously, 1 day of feasting out of a full year is NOT going to make or
break the results you're getting with your fitness routine, as long as
you make sure this is a VERY rare occasion.

As a matter of fact, even if you decide to feast on every holiday that
you celebrate throughout the year, this is still only going to be 8 or
10 feasts per year.

That's less than 1 feast per month... certainly nothing that is worth
worrying about in terms of your fitness results.

In fact, I've written about this before, but OCCASIONAL overeating can
actually have surprising benefits to revamping your metabolic rate via
the leptin response (if you've been restricting calories previously).

I will stress though, that this does only mean occasional overeating.
This means that you still do have to control your caloric intake the
majority of the time if you want the fitness results you're looking for.

But my main point of this email is that I think it's silly to sit there
on Thanksgiving or any other holiday for that matter and try to
restrict yourself too much when these holidays are really only a few days out
of the entire year. Just make sure to get your normal healthy diet
back on track the very next day after the Thanksgiving feast.

So I say... go right ahead and eat as much as you want... Just be sure
you make it to the gym the day after Thanksgiving for a high intensity
resistance training workout.

In fact, training hard with weights the day after Thanksgiving will
give you the best pump you'll feel all year long from the super-saturated
muscle glycogen in your muscle cells.

Alright, enjoy your Thanksgiving!

Feast hard, train hard!

I'll be back next week with a unique dietary trick that I think you'll
find quite interesting. Look out for that email next week.

Mike Geary
Certified Nutrition Specialist
Certified Personal Trainer
Founder - &

Did you know you are likely missing some of these Lean-Body Secrets

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