Monday, October 22, 2007


A boil is a tender swelling in the skin surrounded by a large red area. Boils are particularly painful in those areas where the skin is closely attached to the underlying tissues, such as on the nose, ears, or fingers. Boils are more likely to occur in healthy young adults and teenagers.

A carbuncle is a group of boils close together, which may later form one very large boil with several openings to the surface. Boils and carbuncles are not very painful, but they may also indicate the presence of some underlying condition, such as diabetes.

Staphylococcus germs are usually the cause of boils and carbuncles. The pus discharged from the boil is highly infectious, and great care should be taken to prevent the infection from spreading to other parts of the skin.

At first, a painful red nodule appears on the skin. This grows bigger and then breaks down in the middle where the pus collects. The patient experiences a great deal of irritation and itching. The swelling may not be limited to one hair follicle but may extend to several follicles. When the skin boils ripen, they give out a discharge. Fever may be present sometimes along with the boils.

Boils may take from 10 to 25 days to heal. In most cases, a boil will not heal until it bursts and drains. This can take as long as 5 to 7 days. Since releasing the pus in a boil can lead to more infection, puncturing it at home is not usually advised. If you do lance it, or if it bursts, make sure to sterilize the surrounding area carefully, washing hands after touching the area.


Apply warm moist compress three or four times a day over the tender area. This will help to bring the boil to a head and helps in easy drainage.
Always keep some type of ointment on the boil site to prevent the skin from drying and causing a scaring. Keep the area clean and covered.
Take an onion, cut it in half and place a half on a dry frying pan the cut side down. Warm it on a low heat till the "top" of it feels warm to the touch. Then dig out a piece of the core big enough to accommodate your boil. Place on the boil and try to stay still till the onion cools (=15-20 min.)

Take 1/2 teaspoon Colloidal Silver everyday and you will not have any new boils.
Place 1/2 cup of chlorine bleach in a tub of warm to hot bath water. Stay in tub (with infected area under water) for at least 20 minutes. Do this twice a week for one month. Boils come to a head, drain and dry up faster. This is an effective home remedy for boil.
Prepare a mixture by adding a little of baking soda and water together. Put it all over your boil for about 30 minutes and it should be gone or it should be down.
Prepare a thick paste by adding a small amount of flour and vinegar. Place the paste on the boil over night and wrap it with gauze. Over night the paste will harden like a cast. Upon removing the bandage in the morning, the head of the boil should come out.
Peel a banana (a ripe banana works best). Place banana peel on boil and leave it there for as long as you can.
Cut bacon fat from bacon and place over boil. Place bandage and leave on overnight. Boil should come to a head and rupture upon removing bandage
For boil treatment eat raisins as much as you can.
Crack open and discard contents of egg, then take thin white layer of inside shell and place over boil opening (head) then put on bandage overnight. When you wake up take off bandage and the core of the boil come out then will ooze all contents.
Cut a thick slice of a juicy tomato and place it on the area where the boil is and use a tape of some sort to hold the tomato in place and leave it on for about a day. The boil will come to a head and bursts.
Soak a tea bag in very hot water. When it's cool enough to tolerate, place the tea bag on the boil and leave it there until it cools. Repeat this a few times a day until the boil comes to a head and then wash the boil very well with antibacterial soap, open the boil with a sterile needle and drain it.
Open the Vitamin E capsule and put the liquid on the boil. Leave it on. Repeat as needed also take at least 1000mg of Vitamin C, it helps fight infection internally and helps the skin
Take a piece of bread, white or wheat. Dip the piece of bread into a bowl of milk. So the bread is a little soaked with the milk. Take the bread with milk on it and place it over the boil for about 15-20 min. The yeast in the bread will draw out the stuff inside the boil. And the boil will not return again. This is an effective home remedy for boil.
Sprinkle nutmeg on your food and this will dry up boils within a couple of days.
Take internally, 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder in warm water a day. Continue for several days.
Prepare a mixture by adding one tablespoon of Apple Cider Vinegar, one-tablespoon honey in a cup of hot water and drink at least twice a day.
Mix a paste of oatmeal, add salt and apply directly onto the boilwrap it to keep the poultice in place.
For boil treatment prepare a combination by adding garlic clove, fenugreek, and red clay. It is very effective.


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