Thursday, October 18, 2007


Anemia may be defined as the deficiency of the blood as a whole. It may occur due to many reasons.

A person having a normal blood level may lose blood due to serious accident or illness. Our body compensates this loss by pouring in more fluid or plasma. But the red cells are not replaced so quickly. The person may have sufficient fluid in circulation, but the red cell count may be so low that he feels week and fatigued on doing slightest physical work. However slow bleeding from an ulcer in the stomach or intestine may also lead to anemia. If the loss of red cells is more as compare to its production it will definitely produce the signs and symptoms of anemia.

Anemia may also occur due to heavy menstrual bleeding. There are different types of anemia depending upon the different reasons.
Haemolytic anemia results due to weak red cells. In this type of anemia red cells are very sensitive and they are easily destroyed in the spleen.

In other types of anemia the red cells are not properly formed. Their shape becomes spherical or irregular. Then they cause trouble in the spleen, and ulcers may develop in the legs and there are changes in the bone also. In some types of anemia the hemoglobin may be defective in formation and it is not able to carry out its normal functions.

In sickle cell anemia the red cells are of sickle shape and this blocks their passage through the capillaries. These patients may also have jaundice and joint pains along with anemia.

In pernicious anemia the red blood cells may be larger in size than the normal, but fewer in number. Problem arises because the intrinsic factor, which is normally produced by the stomach, is not present to absorb the vitamin B 12 from the intestine.

Iron deficiency anemia occurs due to lower levels of the iron in the body, due to chronic blood loss, or due to poor diet. Iron may also be lost from the body due to chronic diarrhoea. Any patient with severe hookworm infection will also have some anemia. Iron may not be properly absorbed due to insufficient production of hydrochloric acid. Sometimes this occurs during pregnancy. It not affects the mother but also the baby. Babies who are fed on a milk diet for too long suffer from iron deficiency anemia.

The patient complains of weakness, easy fatigue, and irritability. Other symptoms may include heartburn, flatulence, abdominal pains, soreness in the mouth, numbness and tingling in the extremities and palpitation of the heart.

The skin and mucous membranes are pale, the nails are brittle, and there are fissures or sores at the corners of the mouth.

It is important to take a nutritious diet. Diet rich in cereals, rice, pastas, dairy products (milk, yogurt and cheese), vegetables and fruits, meat, poultry and fish, and finally dry beans, eggs, and nuts. Right diet helps to fight against any kind of disease.


Coffee, tea and ingesting antacids, should be avoided because they decrease iron absorption. Sources rich in iron are lean beef, lean pork, skinned poultry, shellfish, fish, liver, organ meats, egg yolks, pinto, kidney, lima, navy, chick peas, black-eyed peas, lentils, split peas, green peas, spinach, kale, collards, beet greens, chard, broccoli, raisins, prunes, figs, dates, dried peaches, dried apricots, nuts, peanut butter, whole grain breads.
Licavoli says that when you use a cast-iron skillet instead of Teflon coated or aluminum one, you increase the iron content of foods, particularly when you cook acidic foods like tomato sauce.
An effective home remedy for anemia is - Take 1 Cup beetroot juice, 1 cup of apple juice, mixed with either sugar or honey once a day.
To help prevent iron-deficiency anemia in infants, all doctors should recommend breastfeeding, according to Los Angeles pediatrician Paul M. Fleiss, M.D., a pediatrician, lecturer at the University of California, Los Angeles, School of Public Health and assistant clinical professor of pediatrics at the University of Southern California School of Medicine. ''Breast milk supplies almost all the nutrients your baby needs,'' he says.
Take a ripe banana with 1 tbsp of honey 2 times a day for anemia treatment.
Our body absorbs iron from meats easier than fruits and vegetables. To increase the absorption of iron from fruits and vegetables, eat them with a good source of vitamin C.
Soak 10 currants overnight. Remove seeds and take it for 3-4 weeks in the morning This is very effective home remedy for anemia.
A mixture of apple and tomato juice also helps to fight against the anemia.
Eating a lot of salad also helps to prevent anemia.
Honey is very good for an anemic person because it helps increase the hemoglobin in the blood. It is rich in iron, copper and manganese.
Intake of vitamin C is very important for the absorption of iron. It is recommended to take two any citrus fruits daily.
Beets are very important in the cure of anemia. Its juice contains potassium, phosphorus, calcium, sulphur, iodine, iron, copper, carbohydrates, protein, fat, and vitamins B1, B2, B6, C and P.
A cold-water bath is an easy method in curing anemia. Two baths are recommended daily. Sunbaths are also beneficial as sunlight stimulates the production of red cells.
3-4 dried figs are recommended a day to prevent anemia.
Deep breathing and light exercise like walking also helps in increasing the red blood cell in the body and thus treats the anemia.
Various yoga asanas like sarvangasana, paschomittanasana, uttanpadasana and shavasana are also beneficial
Do not eat spinach, rhubarb, tomatoes, or chocolate. These foods are high in oxalic acid, a substance that decreases the ability of our body to absorb iron. other iron blockers are sodas, dairy products, coffee and black tea. Avoid cow's milk, which can cause hidden bleeding in the intestinal tract. Do not follow fad diets.

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