Saturday, August 25, 2007

the trick for 6-pack abs & a flat stomach

Hello again, it's Mike from

I get emails all the time from people all over the world that are using
my Truth About Abs system and getting killer results. Today, I just
wanted to share with you a couple that I received recently...


I have been on your program for the last three or four weeks. All I can
say is WOW! I have been body building for well over 20 years and I can
honestly say that you have allowed me to break out of what I call the
classical mess of weight lifting.

I have made some great gains and I am well on my way to being in the
best shape of my life at 39 years of age. I get a kick out of the Guys at
the gym when they see me perform some of your exercises. They often
come up and ask what I am doing.

I just tell them, as I struggle to regain my breath, "I'm just mixing
it up a bit" and then watch them as they go back and waste their time
with bicep curls for the next half hour.

Now I'm trying to get my wife onboard using your program as well. Thank
you so much for doing what you do and keep the emails coming. This is
the best $39 I have ever spent. Thanks,

Luis A., Dallas, Texas

MG: Congrats Luis on breaking out of your rut! I know what you mean
about people at the gym intrigued by the unique exercises in my program...
I get that all the time at my gym as well.

Hi Mike. Just wanted to let you know, your interval and weight training
methods in your ebook are working perfect! Before i got your ebook, i
could see my six pack abs a little bit. After a few weeks on your
workouts, i can now see lines on the side of my stomach and my abs appearing
even more visibly. I still have a little fat, but not much at all.

Andreas B., Denmark


Before I started with the program I weighed 80kg and my waist size was
42 inches. After 11 weeks I still weigh 80kg but my waist size is now
35 inches. A loss of 7 inches in 11 weeks! Since my weight stayed
about the same, that means I gained muscle while losing 7 inches of fat
from my waist!

My strength and energy are also improving each week and I'm lifting
heavier weights as I progress. Family and friends that haven't seen me in
weeks can't believe how much leaner and slimmer I look now.

Imtiaz G., UK

MG: As un update, Imtiaz just recently emailed me letting me know that
he has lost another 1 inch from his waist... now a grand total of 8
inches lost bringing him down to a svelte 34 inch waist... Great job
Imtiaz! You're a perfect example of what everyone can acheive by actually
applying the information in the program.

Hi Mike!

I started your workouts last week, and surprisingly, I can already see
some positive changes to my body! I definitely feel these working me
better than anything else I've tried. I really like the interesting way
that you turn a weights workout into a cardio workout as well. I can see
already that if I keep on doing this progressively, I'll surely have
my old body shape back in no time :)

Ok catch you soon. Thanks again Mike, you're superb!

-Ellin Hazrin, Kingsford, Australia

In case you have more questions regarding the Truth about Six Pack Abs
system, and if this system can be applied to your situation, whether
young or old, man or woman, gym or no gym, etc go to...

Alright, my lunch is waiting for me, so gotta run...

Homemade egg salad mixed with wild pacific salmon on Ezekial sprouted
grain bread with romaine lettuce, and a champagne mexican mango on the
side. May sound weird, but it's damn good!

Ok, til next time...

Don't be lazy... Be lean!

Mike Geary
Certified Nutrition Specialist
Certified Personal Trainer
Founder - &
1104 woodhollow dr
nj 08053
United States

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