Saturday, August 25, 2007

My 2 healthiest summer meal ideas

Hi, it's Mike Geary from & with another Lean-Body Secrets Ezine.

With the dog days of summer here on the east coast of the US, I've been loading up on 2 of my favorite local fruits... blueberries and peaches.

I'll admit, I'm a bit of a nut when it comes to the local produce seasons... during blueberry and peach season, I easily scarf down a full pint of blueberries every single day, and at least a couple peaches every day too. I also take advantage of the local strawberry and cherry seasons, but those are done for this year.

The blueberry and peach season is in full swing right now, and these are 2 of the most delicious and nutritious foods you can eat for a healthy and lean "superbody". I'll give you a couple of the meal ideas I use for these below.

Not only are local blueberries and peaches fresher and juicier than long-distance produce found in most of the supermarkets, but local fruits are also more nutritious since they were picked closer to their full ripeness and spent considerably less time in shipping.

Eating lots of berries & fibrous fruits like peaches also satisfies your sweet tooth, while simultaneously giving your body the nutrition it needs to fend off cravings. Here are 2 delicious meals that I've been using lately... and they're VERY simple!

Peach-blueberry dairy mix

1 fresh sliced ripe peach
handful of blueberries
1/2 cup vanilla yogurt
1/2 cup cottage cheese
handful of raw almonds
Just mix it all together in a bowl, and you've got a quick and delicious lunch, or mid-morning or mid-afternoon healthy meal. Simple, quick, and tasty... no excuses for eating junk when you can eat something this good and healthy.

Peach-Blueberry Quinoa breakfast

1 fresh sliced ripe peach
handful of blueberries
1/3 cup dry quinoa (cook like oatmeal as per box)
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/4 cup ricotta cheese or cottage cheese (or add a half scoop of protein powder)
stevia powder to sweeten (one of the best tasting stevia brands I've found)
sprinkle of cinnamon to taste
handful of raw pecans
In case you've never heard of it, Quinoa is a high-protein, low-glycemic, gluten-free ancient South American grain (technically it's a fruit, although tastes like grain). It's a great substitute for oatmeal if you're tired of oatmeal or other hot breakfasts. It's starting to become available in normal grocery stores, but is readily available in any health food stores.

Just cook up the quinoa as you would oatmeal for a couple minutes, then add the fruit and other ingredients. This is a damn tasty breakfast! Plus, it doesn't get healthier than this if you want to have a "superbody" instead of an average body.

In case you didn't know, there are 84 additional Lean-Body meal ideas found inside my Truth about Six Pack Abs program.

A Recent Reader Review:


I attached a couple photos to show you how far I've come since starting your was quite shocking to see what I looked like just last year!! I had forgotten how overweight I was, and looking at these before and after pics again almost made me cry...but tears of joy this time, as I'm so thankful for how much progress I've made.

Not only do I feel so healthy and vibrant, but I feel that I look younger now too! Its wonderful! I went from a size 14 to a 5. Weight wise I was around 190 lbs when I started and now I am 120 lbs. I'm so passionate about your book and style of's absolutely amazing...I don't crave unhealthy stuff anymore...I have eliminated an insane sweet tooth.

I happened upon your book about 9 months ago. Once I downloaded and printed your ebook, I read it once, and then again. There is so much information in there that expands beyond just working out and abs. The nutritional information was fascinating, and I believe that was what helped me get to where I am today. The workouts are also so challenging, and talk about breaking a sweat! I love it.

I have SO MANY people ask me what diet I was doing to lose all that weight. They just don't understand that I'm not on a diet... It's been a total lifestyle change. I would recommend your book to anyone! I feel exceptional, and I am in the best shape of my life!

I hope that my testimonial will help you out, as well as other people that have struggled to get in shape. Thank you so much!!"

Stephanie Hurst
Tulia, Texas


Check out Stephanie's awesome pictures of how she transformed her body.

I can't even tell you how happy I was for her when she sent me these pictures and her story, and to see how she has totally transformed her entire life... not only does she look great now (and younger!), but she also feels so much more energetic and confident now... and is simply loving life in her new body.

My hat is off to her for her hard work and adopting a healthy lifestyle. It just shows that anybody can transform their body if they actually apply the information in my program and adopt a truly healthy lifestyle for good (and stop looking for quick fixes that don't exist!).

Be like Stephanie... Don't be lazy... be lean.

Mike Geary
Certified Nutrition Specialist
Certified Personal Trainer
Founder - &

PS - if you liked todays summer recipes, feel free to fwd this email on to any of your friends, family, or co-workers that would enjoy it.

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