Wednesday, August 29, 2007

supplements... the good, the bad, the ugly

Hi, it's Mike G again from with another
Lean-Body Secrets Ezine.

I'm sure you've noticed from many of my writings that in general, I
tend to be anti-supplements. The supplement industry is loaded with
fraudulent claims, bogus products that sometimes aren't even what they claim
to be, and lots of ineffective products (even when they ARE what they
claim to be).

Despite these problems, I've always contended that there are a handful
of useful products out there, and certainly some honest companies mixed
in with the abundant scam artists. One company I've found that is
actually honest and sells only research-proven products is

This company has been in the making for about 3 years now, and was
built by a group of fitness professionals whose main goal was to try to
fight against the problems in the supplement industry and offer an honest
solution without the hype and without the loads of products that have
no research behind them and don't work.

If you choose the right products from a reputable company, there are
certainly a few winners out there that can help you acheive a higher
level of health and faster results with fat loss, muscle building, energy
levels, etc.

Let me show you below some of the typical problems with supplements,
and how to avoid them and choose the right products that will actually
get you results.

**Problem #1 with supplements:

Ever since the passing of the 1994 Dietary Supplement and Health
Education Act (DSHEA) in the US, supplements have been excluded from federal
regulation. One of the negative aspects of this is that certain
unscrupulous companies could now pretty much get away with putting anything
they wanted in the bottle because it did not have to undergo quality
control testing to make it to market. Their label didn't even have to match
what was in the bottle, since nobody is policing them.

The only way to catch these companies was for independent testing firms
to run tests on their own dime to find out which companies are honest
and which are fraudulent.

The founders of solved this problem by
requiring that all of their products go through High Performance Liquid
Chromatography (HPLC) testing to guarantee what they say is in the
bottle is TRULY in the bottle, and delivers the desired results.

Their manufacturing plant is also a GMP certified manufacturer - "A"
rated facility to assure quality.

**Problem #2 with supplements:

One of the other major problems I've had with the supplement industry
are falsely hyped up claims about "miraculous" results with their
products giving you the false hope that your body will turn into a fitness
model's within a couple weeks of using their "miracle pill".

Well, we all know by now that most of these products do very little, if
anything to actually create results in the body. Even if some of them
have minor positive effects, it does not address the underlying cause
of the problem in the first place, and results will never last in the
long run without lifestyle changes to both your exercise and nutrition
habits as a whole.

In response to this, the founders of
made sure there was absolutely no hype or ridiculous claims... only a
very limited line of the most effective research-backed products without
any BS or confusing "stacks".

**Problem #3 with supplements:

Most people overlook this problem when buying vitamins and supplements.
The fact is that your body does not properly absorb nutrients from
artificial sources as is common with many supplements and vitamins.

Once again, I asked the founders of to
respond to this. I was happy to find that their products are actually
extracted from whole-food sources instead of artificial sources, meaning
better absorption in your body.

They even purchased a 2500-acre farm in mineral rich soils in sunny
Florida where all of their raw materials are grown. I must say...I'm

**Problem #4 with supplements:

Another problem I have with typical supplements is this...

The normal scenario when someone buys supplements is that they may go
to their local supplement/vitamin store and they are given advice by
some high school kid making $7/hr who has no education whatsoever in

Do you really want to put your health in the hands of some kid who is
simply telling you that you need to get such and such supplement because
he saw something about how great it was in a magazine advertisement?

Once again, the founders of solved this
problem by assuring that all of their products were designed by
professionals in the industry -- dieticians and nutritionists who carefully
analyzed which products actually are beneficial and which are a waste of
time and money. They then narrowed their line of products down to only
a handful of the most effective.

They also have dedided that their products will never be sold in stores
because they don't want unqualified store clerks with no education in
nutrition to recommend products for your health. That's why you can
only obtain them from their website, so you know you're getting them from
qualified professionals in the industry.

**Problem #5 with supplements:

This problem is quite simply this... YOU DON'T NEED THEM for optimal
health, IF you're eating right.

The fact is, you don't need supplements as long as you eat a well
rounded diet full of unprocessed whole natural foods, lots of variety, high
nutrient density, lots of fruits, veggies, whole unrefined grains,
eggs, beans, nuts, seeds, organic meats, fish, etc, etc.

The problem is that most people don't have time or don't make enough of
an effort to eat this type of optimal diet with proper balance and
super-high nutrient density.

In this case, I concede that supplementation has many benefits for
people who struggle to eat right all of time and may be missing many
essential nutrients.

To solve this problem, the founders of
have actually formulated their men's and women's formulas with extracts
of natural whole foods instead of synthetic sources. They even use
whole food extracts from broccoli, brussel sprouts, cabbage, carrot,
cauliflower, wheat grass, alfalfa, artichoke, chorella, kale, collard
greens, papaya, grapefruit, tomato, omega-3's, and dozens more.

Well, I think that's enough for today. Go to right now and check out the their
videos right in the center of the page. It should give you more info about
the quality of their line of products.

Also, be sure to check out their EFA Icon (essential fatty acid) which
uses a unique Krill oil which has been measured as having 47 times more
antioxidant value than standard fish oil. I've always been a big fan
of fish oil, but when I found this krill oil, I had to make the switch
based on the higher quality.

For everyone outside of the US and Canada, unfortunately they are not
offering shipping yet outside of the US/Canada, but are currently
working on getting shipping to all other countries in the near future. Please
be patient and they should have it soon.

Feel free to forward this email on to any friends or family you think
will enjoy it.

Stay lean and healthy,

Mike Geary
Certified Nutrition Specialist
Certified Personal Trainer
Founder - &

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