Monday, September 19, 2011


HEALTH BENEFITS OF BASIL 19-9-2011 Basil is a popular herb in Italian cooking, particularly in pesto. This fragrant and flavorful herb, a relative of peppermint, is an excellent, nutritious addition to your pasta sauce, soup, or salad. An array of flavonoids exist in basil, which help to protect cells and chromosomes from damage. Studies have shown that two of these flavonoids in particular, orientin and vicenin, are useful in protecting cell structures and chromosomes from damage by radiation and oxygen. Essential oil of basil has been shown to inhibit the growth of several types of bacteria, many of which have become resistant to antibiotics. This essential oil has been found to inhibit growth of the widespread staphylococcus, enterococcus, pseudomonas, and e. coli bacteria, among others. Adding basil to your vinaigrette will both enhance the flavor, and ensure that the fresh salad greens are safe to eat. Eugenol, which is found in essential oil of basil, provides an anti-inflammatory effect, by blocking an enzyme called cyclooxygenase. Aspirin and Ibuprofen work by blocking this same enzyme. So, basil can have healing benefits, and provide relief from the symptoms of inflammatory problems, like rheumatoid arthritis and inflammatory bowel conditions. Basil is also a good source of vitamin A, which helps to prevent damage to the cells by free radicals. Vitamin A also prevents free radicals from oxidizing cholesterol in the blood stream, preventing the cholesterol from building up in the blood vessels. Magnesium is also present in basil. This essential mineral helps the heart and blood vessels to relax, improving blood flow. Other nutrients found in basil include iron, calcium, potassium, and vitamin C. The fresh, spicy flavor and scent of basil will wake up any boring salad or soup. Use fresh basil whole, or shredded to add a burst of flavor to your dinner. If you are using fresh basil in a cooked dish, add it towards the end of cooking, so that the volatile oils will not be dissipated by the heat. Insalata Caprese is a simple salad, utilizing tomatoes, fresh mozzerella cheese, basil, and olive oil. 1/2 pound, fresh mozzerella, sliced 1/4 inch thick. 2 large tomatoes, sliced 1/4 inch thick. 1 cup fresh basil leaves. salt and pepper 1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil. On a serving plate, arrange the mozzerella and tomato around the edge, alternating mozzerella and tomato slices. Tear up the basil leaves, and sprinkle them on top of the tomatoes and mozerella cheese. Season with a bit of salt and pepper. Just before serving, drizzle the extra virgin olive oil over the salad. Serves 4. Learn about the negative calorie diet. Visit Tim's blog, Negative Calories BASIL ESSENTIAL OIL IN AROMATHERAPY Throughout Asia and Europe, sweet basil was once regarded as a sacred plant. Even today, this small annual herb is dedicated to the Hindu diety Vishnu and is said to be the incarnation of his wife, Lakshmi. In India, basil is seen as a symbol of both fortune and beauty. Sweet basil essential oil is steam-distiled from the leaves and flowers of Ocimum basilicum. A good basil will have a a sweet, grassy scent with hints of spice. Traditional Herbal Uses At one time, basil was considered an aphrodisiac but today basil is used mainly to stabilize mood and aid digestion. Herbalists believe that basil has both carminative and antispasmodic properties. And a 1997 study found basil to have strong antibacterial properties as well. In Chinese medicine, basil is classified as a warming oil which strengthens yang and eases depression, exhaustion and moodiness. It's recommended as a remedy for melancholy, complacency and indecisiveness. Aromatherapy Uses Herbalist John Gerard wrote of basil, "it maketh a man merry and glad," and modern day aromatherapists still use basil for mood. Basil is considered to be uplifting, stimulating and awakening. It's diffused into the air to clear the mind, increase concentration and focus attention. Aromatherapists also use basil to ease the feelings of fear and vulnerabilty that often accompany life-changing events like a move, a divorce or a job change. Basil is said to give courage and increase one's ability to make decisions decisively and objectively. Blending With Other Essential Oils Basil blends especially well with citrus oils like orange, lemon and lime. It can also blend well with heavy oils like Jasmine and Ylang Ylang or with woody oils like pine and cedar. Basil is considered a top-note. Safety & Warnings Basil is generally considered safe for most people but it's use is contra-indicated during pregnancy. Basil oils with high levels of methyl cinnamate or methyl chavicol can be skin irritants. Lisa Barger is a traditional naturopath specializing in natural health education. To learn more about Ms. Barger's belief in "Empowerment through Education" or to take a free online natural health class see her website, HOME REMEDIES USING BASIL Very easy remedy that will help with fatigue and stress: Put 1 table spoon of basil leaves ( you can cut fresh basil into fine pieces before ) in a glass and fill it in with boiling water. Let it sit for 15-20 min. Drink it like tea ( you can add sugar or honey) but no more than 2 glasses a day. This remedy will also help with nausea and vomiting. Also you can take a bath with basil tea ( take 4 table spoons of basil, add 1 L of hot water and boil it for 5 min. on low heat. Let it cool, filter and pour in a bath tub filled with warm water. Take the bath for no more than 20 min. Fresh juice of basil leaves is used for skin fungus infections. Apply it as a compress or just rub it into your skin a few times a day. Basil has an essential oil. It is rich in camphor and phytoncides. Basil leaves are a great source of carotene, rutin and have twice more vitamin C than parsley does. Basil has an anti inflammatory and healing effect. It is very effective with a cold, pneumonia and bronchitis. It improves blood circulation and digesting and helps with toothaches. If you have a flu, take 2-5 drops of basil essential oil mixed with honey 2-3 times a day. If you have a toothache, wet a piece of cotton in basil essential oil and apply on the ached tooth.

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