Monday, September 19, 2011


FEED YOUR SKIN RIGHT AND GET THE RESULTS YOU ALWAYS WANTED 19-9-2011 Your skin needs the same nourishment that all other organs of your body do, like protein, minerals, carbohydrates, vitamins and micro elements. Ideally you should get some protein, carbohydrates and fat with every meal. Be careful when you are following a diet that focused only on one kind of nourishment. Protein is important for creating new cells and starts biochemical processes in your body. You can get protein from meat, milk and soy beans. Carbohydrates are a source of energy for your cells. Do not get 'empty' calories from sugar, pasta, rice, potatoes, white bread or sweets. These foods will increase insulin level in your blood that will likely cause acne. Instead eat whole grains, brown rice and ziti. Fat provides energy to your skin and helps to assimilate some vitamins, like vitamin A. Your body also needs fat to create new cells. There is especially valuable fat in cold pressed vegetable oils. You will have dry and rough skin, if you do not get enough vitamin A. It is so important for your skin because it helps to form new cells in the epidermis. And beta-carotene helps your skin to endure the ultraviolet rays of the sun. Even if you are following a diet, eat avocados, nuts and add olive oil to your salads. Vitamin C takes part in the synthesis of collagen in your skin and fights free radicals that speed up your aging. Smokers need to get at least 40% more of vitamin C that non smokers. Vitamin E helps to neutralize free radicals and is good for your skin even if you use it topically. Vegetable oils, egg yolk, soy products and whole grains are rich in this vitamin. If you want to have youthful skin and healthy shiny hair, you need a very important vitamin F. You can get it from cold pressed vegetable oils. Sodium and potassium are responsible for skin resiliency. You will have dry skin and weak nails, if you do not get enough iron. Selenium neutralizes free radicals; especially if you take it together with vitamin E. Phosphorus is important for providing energy to your skin cells. Zinc is important for protein metabolism. Magnesium supports cell permeability. Copper helps with the formation of collagen in your skin. If you have wrinkles or acne, you should get essential fatty acids Omega-3 and Omega-6. These fatty acids will decrease inflammatory processes that can lead to acne and premature aging. To get these valuable acids eat salmon, tuna, mackerel, almonds, filbert and flax seeds. If your face gets red often and regularly, exclude spices, red wine and smoked meat. These foods enlarge blood capillaries. HOME AND BEAUTY REMEDIES Deep cleansing mask: Whip 1 raw egg yolk with 1 tea spoon of lemon juice. Apply a layer of the mask on your face, let it dry a little bit, then apply the next layers until you use all of the mask. When the last layer gets dry, wash the mask off with warm water and follow with your moisturizer. You will have fresh healthy looking skin, if you drink peppermint tea regularly. It will also help you stay calm. To get rid of acne use a mask made of a grated apple mixed with 1 tea spoon of honey. A nourishing mask with beer: Mix 2 oz of light beer with 1 table spoon of oatmeal, 1 raw egg yolk and 2 drops of sage oil. Apply it on your face and neck for 15-20 min. Rinse the mask with warm water, then use cold water. Great Home Remedy: If you feel tired all the time, try this very safe, natural and tasty recipe: Take 1/2 pound of dried apricots, 1/2 pound of dried figs, 1/2 pound of dried plums and 25 walnuts, cut everything into small pieces, mix them and keep the mix in your refrigerator in a closed glass jar. Take 1 full table spoon every day (1 full tea spoon for a child). This recipe helps even those people who just had a surgery and are very weak. Another benefit is that it helps with and prevents constipation.

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