Monday, July 14, 2008

Medindia Health News

Medindia Health News
Link to Medindia Health News

Commuting for Long Hours can Cause Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Contrary to the common notion carpal tunnel syndrome is not just limited for desk jockeys alone and even a person commut

Visiting Your GP Could Help Prevent, Delay Onset of Diabetes

People with a family history of diabetes and those carrying extra weight should visit their GP to minimise the risk of d

Time Really is the Best Healer of a Traumatic Event in Life

Time really is the best healer, for no matter what the disaster, a new study has found that the basic level of happiness

Peer Pressure to Look Sexy Driving Under 14's to Anxiety and Stress

A new study has shown that under-14s believe that the influence of magazines, websites and friends telling them to look

The Ultimate Solution for Obese Kids Revealed!

A British study has revealed that playing interactive sports video games like the Nintendo Wii help children burn over 5

Research Sheds Light on Link Between Lifestyle and Dementia

A study conducted by Australian researchers has revealed that people who do not engage in complex mental activity over t

Kids' Intellectual Development Impaired by Computers

A charitable educational trust has released a report stating that children these days are losing out on neurological and

Survey Finds Colorectal Cancer Screening Rates Still Too Low in US

Despite the fact that screening for colorectal cancer considerably helps to reduce the mortality rates, only half of US

More People in US Die of MRSA Than from AIDS: Study

The emergence of drug-resistant bacteria poses a great threat to the people is by no means an exaggeration to say, as a

Malaria Treatments Cut Anemia Risk

A new study has suggested that preventative malaria treatments reduce anemia risk and improve learning in kids. br

3-D Image of Protein Filaments That Facilitate Hearing Created

The mechanism behind hearing his now better understood, Berkeley Lab researchers have claimed. The research

Doctors Ready to Resign En Masse

Orissa Medical Services Association (OMSA) is to have a general body meeting on July 19 and mass resignations would be s

Schools in Britain Face Closure Threats

British ministers have threatened to close down thousands of primary schools because of their poor showing in exams. br

Hearing Aid Technology Promises Noise Reduction

Researchers from Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis have developed a new hearing aid technology that

NZ Kids Using SMSs for Counseling

A new study says that children in New Zealand are increasingly using their mobiles to get counseling. As per

Pre-teens Being Encouraged to Get Fake Tans by Parents

In order to deter kids from sunbaking and solariums, Aussie parents are permitting their kids as young as eight to have

Many Cancer Patients Do Not Have Access to Drugs in UK

Over 120,000 cancer patients die early every year in the UK after being denied drugs that could have increased their lif

Docs Pull Out 17 Metal Objects from Man's Stomach

Some 17 metal objects - including nails, a watch clasp and a knife - were removed by doctors in Trujillo in Peru from a

Most of World's Population Will Be Obese by 2030

Researchers at Tulane University School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine are predicting that by 2030, almost 58 pe

Concentration in Children may Be Improved by Sugary Snacks

Snacks and drinks containing a generous helping of sugar may improve concentration in children. That's the c

Singing in Choirs may Be Key to Happiness

Humming tunes is known as a good stress buster. Now, a new research has further proved it by suggesting that people who

Scientists Use Common Cold Virus to Locate, Track Prostate Cancer Spread

Researchers at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) have successfully used an engineered common cold virus t

Parental Neglect may Make Babies Fat

Babies who spend a lot of time away from parents may become fat. This is based on a new study that found tha

CO2 Emissions Turned into "Green Carbon"

A new technique that sees carbon dioxide (CO2) and tailings from mining operations converted into materials of a "higher

Girl Guides' Leaders Warn Stressed Girls may View Self Harm as Normal

Girlguiding UK is reporting that girls are so stressed out these days they may come to view self harm as a normal thing

Drugs Based on Nicotine Could Help in Dementia

New research indicates that nicotine-based drugs may help delay the time that people with dementia enter nursing homes.

Study Finds Slim Evidence for Organ Transplant Success in HIV Patients

The evidence addressing key questions about results of organ transplants in HIV patients is very little and inconclusive

Intel Health Device Gets FDA Approval

Intel, the world's largest semi-conductor company has unveiled a new health device called the Intel Health Guide. The t

Doctors Working to Cure Rare Genetic Disorder

Fourteen-year-old Rebati Kahara from Boudh district in Orissa, is suffering from a rare genetic disorder that has distor

Maharashtra Conducts Marathon for Healthy Cause

Hundreds of enthusiasts, including physically challenged, participated in a marathon yesterday which was organised for s

Great News for Heart Disease Patients-Grow Your Own Heart Valves!

A world-first technology developed by Melbourne researchers is ready for trial and could lead to heart disease patients

Beware of "Social Tonics," Health Canada Warns

Canadian health authorities are warning against "social tonics," promoted as safer legal alternatives to street drugs.

Is Amy Suffering from Drug-induced Heart Problems?

Amy Winehouse's drug addiction is playing havoc with her health. After being diagnosed with a lung condition, the singer

Exercise at Office Using Treadmill Workstation

Combination of a treadmill and computer workstation may be the new way for employers to ensure optimum fitness levels in

Morocco's Siamese Twins Separated in Saudi

Siamese twins from Morocco, connected since birth at the chest and stomach, were separated in a successful operation at

Caffeine and Carbohydrates Help Athletes Recover Faster After Workouts

Caffeine and carbohydrates help athletes recover faster after workouts, Australian study shows. Researchers at t

Indian Supreme Court Sends Woman to Prison for 'False' Rape Charge

The Indian Supreme Court has sentenced an illiterate woman to three months in jail for brining up a false claim of rape

Environmental Protesters Disrupt Coal Loading in Australia

The six-day protest launched by environmental activists in Australia against coal operations at New Castle is intensifyi

Mitigate Green House Emissions, Don't Sink Them in the Ocean

A scientist has now suggested that methods of mitigation of green house emissions like ocean fertilization should be rec

Kenya may Now Provide Free Diabetes Treatment to Its Youth

In its latest health initiative, a Kenyan group called for free treatment for patients aged under 18 who had succumbed t

HIV-positive Kenyan Waitress Receives Compensation for Unfair Dismissal

A HIV-positive Kenyan woman is to receive (Dollor) 35,000 as compensation from her employer for unfair dismissal. A High

High On Alcohol: Study Blames College Environment for Students' Drinking Sprees

Binge drinking has now become a common phenomenon among college students in the United States and a 14-year study of hea

HRT to the Rescue: Reprieve for Women With Gall Bladder Disease

Experts now suggest that 'Hormone Replacement Therapy' (HRT) patches can be a boon to postmenopausal women by lowering t

Safe Sex Counseling During Rehab Programs may Help Cut Rising HIV Transmission

A new counseling regime on safe sex during drug addiction treatment may lead the way in cutting the risk of HIV infectio

Common LCD Chemical to Be the Next Global Disaster: Destructive Climatic Impact

Latest research has found rising emission levels of nitrogen trifluoride (NF3), which has a global climate impact 17,000

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Fragrant Red Rice

250g Red Rice
500ml Water
2 pandan leaf, knotted

1 star anise
2 cardamoms
3cm piece cinnamon stick
6 cloves

1 tsp chicken stock granules
¼ tsp sugar

Bring water and pandan leaves to a boil in a pan. Add red rice, Spices and seasoning.

Cook rice over a moderate heat for 25–30 minutes. When water has evaporated and rice is cooked and tender, close the lid and let it stand for an extra 10 minutes before dishing out to serve with any curry of your choice.

What is wholegrain and wholemeal?

Wholemeal - are wholegrains that have been milled to a finer texture rather than leaving the grain intact, none of these layers are removed thus become wholemeal.

Wholegrain foods - contain all the components of the grain the bran, germ and endosperm.The grain appearance can be whole, cracked or broken after milled.

Mr A Red Rice

The process that produces this unpolished red rice known as whole grain of rice has several layers. Only the outermost layer, the hull, is removed to produce what we call unpolished red rice. This process is the least damaging to the nutritional value of the red rice and avoids the unnecessary loss of nutrients that occurs with further processing. Unpolished red rice has a very good source of essential minerals, vitamins and dietary fiber.
In producing and labeling it as Supreme Red Rice, the rice initially must be given time for ageing before any process commences. The process has to undergo stringent control such as by using de-stoner and magnet facilities to eliminate the presence of tiny stones and metal fragments. Further, color sorter is used to remove grain impurities.
Marketed in its producer brand as “MR.A” Supreme Red Rice.
Comparison of Contents of Local Red Rice and Standard White Rice
Parameters Units Local Red Rice Standard White Rice
Protein % 8.99 6.3 – 7.1
Fat Content % 2.05 0.3 – 0.5
Total Dietary Fiber % 4.74 0.2 – 0.5
Carbohydrate % 71.6@ 82.0#
Total Ash % 1.44 0.3 – 0.8
Phosphorus Mg/100g 362 80 – 150
Iron Mg/100g 1.59 0.2 – 2.8
Sodium Mg/100g 1.0 5.0
Potassium Mg/100g 297 115
Calcium Mg/100g 20 10 – 30
Zinc Mg/100g 2.75 NA
Vit. B1 (Thiamine) Mg/100g 0.37 0.02 – 0.00
Vit. PP (Niacin) Mg/100g 0.9 0.6*
Vit. (Phridoxine) Mg/100g 0.06 0.04 – 0.07*
Vit. A IU/100g <50 NA
Vit. E IU/100g 0.8* NA
Lodine IU/100g <8 NA
NA Biotin IU/100g 3.68 2.5 – 2.6*
Folic Acid IU/100g 14.44 4.6 – 12.2*
Panthothenic Acid Mg/100g 0.5 NA

Red Rice Powder

Red Rice Powder

This natural rich aroma pink-pastel unpolished red rice powder instant is wholesome, healthy, delicious and nutritious. Contains 100% the whole grain including the bran and germ, nothing is removed.
It has a nutty taste and is perfect for preparation of:

1. For infant food aged 4 months above. Added as creamer into your hot favorite beverage.
2. Make a healthy ingredient in making bread, cakes, biscuits, crepes, pancakes, breads, muffins, vermicelli and noodles. It is gluten-free.
3. It also makes a delicious coating and tempura batter.
4. Used as thickening for gravies, batter, sauces, stews, soup (broth) and porridge mix.

Red Rice Makes the Difference

Red Rice Makes the Difference

Here are some of the ways in which the nutrients supplied by unpolished red rice can make an important difference in your health.

A good source of Dietary Fibre.
Dietary fibre (or non-starch polysaccharide) in cooked red rice can be 5-10 times higher than in cooked white rice. Dietary fibre is important in promoting proper bowel movement and to prevent constipation. Together they work to keep the bowel healthy. Fibre and other components remove toxins, promote the growth of healthy gut bacteria and help keep the bowel regular. Vitamins, minerals and other photochemical found in wholegrain play an important role in keeping the cells of the bowel wall healthy.

Eat whole grains to weigh less
The high fibre content creates a feeling of satiety with fewer calories - an effective and safe way to maintain body weight.

Reduce risk in diabetes and beri-beri
Carbohydrate in red rice is "complex". After being broken down by digestive enzymes into sugars, these are released gradually into the bloodstream and maintain a stable level in blood sugar.For this reason, red rice is taken as a preferred choice for healthy eating.

Protection against Atherosclerosis
Good anti-oxidant as red rice contains carotene, the red-brown pigment found naturally.

Traces of Nutritions
Red rice contains calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, manganese, and vitamin B3, B5, B6 and folic acid.The B-complex vitamins are also richer in red rice retained within the dark red pericarp.

It is free from gluten, fat, cholesterol and sodium (salt).

Photo Gallery

Photo Gallery
Red rice paddy field, ready for harvest.

Anatomy of Red Rice

Unpolished Red rice are wholegrain foods.

A whole grain of rice has several layers. Only the outermost layer, the husk, is removed through milling to produce unpolished red rice. It consists of three parts: the outer bran, the starchy endosperm which makes up the bulk of the grain, and the germ. The bran and germ are the parts of the grain that provide the most essential nutrients, 80 - 90% of all micronutrients are located in the bran and germ The aleurone layer of the unpolished grain has a layer filled with health supportive, essential beneficial nutrients like fibre, vitamins and minerals are found.

Unpolished Red rice is nutritionally superior than the more popular white (polished) rice.

If these layers/parts are striped/removed, it takes polishing to make white rice, is just simply carbohydrates a refined starch that has lost its original value. A person who eat lots of refined grains or whole grains can make a major difference in individual risk of several diseases. The benefit of whole grains have been linked to many of the more prevalent illnesses that plague modern society and especially high rate of obesity at tender ages.