Sunday, January 13, 2008


MALE STERLITY, or failure to fertilize female egg cells, may be due to several causes. In some cases the trouble is due to an emotional factor, such as a mental block. It may be caused by an absence or atrophy of the testes, or perhaps by some obstruction in the male genital organs. Infections involving the genital organs may result in the production of unhealthy or even dead sperm cells. In such cases special tests may locate the seat of the trouble, which may be treated surgically.

FEMALE STERLITY, or failure to have children may arise from several different causes. Sometimes the trouble is due to the husband.

In a woman, sterility may be due to some congenital malformation that has existed from birth, such as an absence of the tubes, ovary or uterus. Such conditions are rare. Pelvic infections, involving the vagina or cervix, are a more common cause of sterility. Inflammation of the tubes may prevent the sperm from reaching the ovum.

Other conditions such as endometriosis and adhesions involving the genital organs may also interfere with pregnancy. Endometriosis causes fibrosis throughout the pelvis and this fibrosis sometimes so covers the ovaries that an ovum cannot be released into the abdominal cavity. Endometriosis also occludes the fallopian tubes either at the fimbriated ends or else where along their extent. Lack of a normal menstrual cycle may also be a factor.

In some cases, the real cause of sterility arises from emotional factors. Many women who have waited for years for a family of their own have adopted a baby and then found themselves pregnant a few months later. Still another cause of infertility is secretion of abnormal mucus by the uterine cervix. Abnormalities of the cervix itself, such as low-grade infection or inflammation, or abnormal hormonal stimulation of the cervix can lead to a viscous mucus plug that will prevent fertilization.

It has been known that the administration of either estrogen or progesterone, if given in appropriate quantity during the first half of the monthly female cycle, can inhibit ovulation. The reason for this is that appropriate administration of either of these hormones can prevent the preovulatory surge of LH secretion by the pituitary gland, which is essential in causing ovulation.

The most common cause of female sterility is failure to ovulate. This can result from hypo secretion of gonadotropic hormones; in such cases the intensity of the hormonal stimuli is not sufficient to cause ovulation. For example, thick capsules occasionally exist on the outside of the ovaries that make ovulation difficult.


Make an infusion of jambul fruit leaves and take with honey and milk. This is very useful home remedy for sterility.
Take red clover to help gain fertility.
Take kelp and vitamins C, E, and B-complex to help with conception.
False unicorn is helpful for the health of reproductive organs.
Chickweed, damiana, ginseng, juniper, plantain, safflower, and saw palmetto also helps to normalize hormone levels and boost sexual craving.
Roots of the banyan tree are also very effective in the treatment of female sterility where there are no organic defect or congenital deformities. These roots should be dried in the shade and finely powdered. About twenty grams of this powder should be mixed with milk, which should be five times the weight of this powder, and taken at night for three consecutive nights after the monthly periods are over.
The herb winter cherry is another important remedy found helpful in sterility. The herb should be powdered and six grams of this powder should be taken with one cup of milk for five to six nights after menstruation.
Fasting is the best remedy for the treatment of disorders resulting from toxins in the system. A short fast of two or three day should be undertaken at regular intervals by women who are unable to bear children.
Diet is an important factor in the treatment of infertility. It should contain seeds, nuts, grains, vegetables, and fruits. These foods should be supplemented with milk, vegetable oils, and honey. Curd and cottage cheese are also recommended.
Excessive fat, spicy foods, strong tea, coffee, white sugar, white flour, refined cereals, flesh foods, greasy or fried foods should all be avoided.
In case of spermatorrhoea tender, seedless pods of Acacia should be dried in the shade and powdered before being mixed with an equal weight of raw sugar. Six grams of it should be taken with milk in the morning.
Make the powder of about Fifty grams each of kernels of the seeds of Bastard Teak ( Dhak ) and Siris tree and mix with 50 grams of raw Sugar. It should be taken in six grams doses every morning for three weeks to gain the sterility.
Make a powder of fifty grams each to dry Amla and Mango Ginger (Amba Haldi) and mix with an equal weight of raw Sugar. Take six grams with milk daily in the morning. This is also very useful home remedy for sterility.
Take marrow from the hump of a camel, spread on a piece of linen, and rubs sexual parts with, after having been purified subsequently to her courses.
Take small amount of sesame grain and mix its juice with a bean's weight of sandarach powder; drink this mixture during three days after periods; she is then fit to receive her husband's embraces.
A mixture is made of nitre, gall from a sheep or a cow, a small quantity of the plant named el meusk, and of the grains of that plant. The woman saturates a plug of soft wool with this mixture, and rubs her vulva with it after menstruation; she then receives the caresses of her husband.
Seeds of Lajwanti and sugar taken in equal quantities should be mixed and a six gram dose taken every morning with milk.
A glass of cold water on an empty stomach in the morning is highly recommended.
Ten grams of dry coriander ground in water and sweetened with sugar should be taken in the morning.
A sufferer from nocturnal pollutions must take exercise in the evening (before dinner) so that he is too tired to dream and has a sound sleep.

Garlic is one of the most remarkable home remedies found beneficial in the treatment of sexual impotence. Two to three cloves of raw garlic should be chewed daily
Onion increases libido and strengthens the reproductory organs. The white variety of onion is, however, more useful for this purpose
Carrots are considered valuable in impotence. For better results, about 150 gm of carrots, chopped finely, should be taken with a half-boiled egg, dipped in a tablespoon of honey, once daily for a month or two. This recipe increases sexual stamina
Lady's fingers are another tonic for improving sexual vigor. Take five to ten grams of the root powder of this vegetable with a glass of milk and two teaspoons of ground mishri daily.
Boil fifteen grams dried roots of asparagus in one cup of milk. Take it twice daily The regular use of this remedy is valuable in impotency and premature ejaculation
A soup made with about fifteen grams of drumstick flowers boiled in 250 ml milk is very useful as a sexual tonic in the treatment of sexual debility. It is also useful in functional sterility in both males and females.
About 120 gm of the powder of the dry bark of drumstick should be boiled in half a litre of water for about half an hour. Thirty grams of this powder, mixed with a tablespoon of honey, should be taken three times daily for a month
Half a teaspoon of ginger juice should be taken with a half-boiled egg and honey, once daily at night, for a month. It is said to relieve impotency, premature ejaculation, and spermatorrhoea
Dried dates are a highly strengthening food. About 100 gm should be taken daily as an effective medicine for increasing sexual power
Black raisins are useful for restoration of sexual impotency. They should be boiled with milk after being washed thoroughly in water. This will make them swollen and sweet. Eating of these raisins should be followed by the intake of milk. Starting with 30 gm of raisins, followed by 200 ml of milk three times daily, the quantity of raisins should be gradually increased to 50 gm each time

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