Friday, September 28, 2007

New study shows age reversal in just 6 months

Hey it's Mike Geary from with an interesting
study about aging reversal that my buddy Jon Benson sent to me recently.

I was really intrigued with this study so I had to pass it on to you.
Basically, what intrigued me most was that researchers have actually
found indications of age reversal with people using certain exercise

So, can you really grow younger as you "age"? Jon's article is
below...Read on to see...

Has Science Proven that you Can "Age Backwards"?

by Jon Benson,

Of all the studies I have read this one seals
the deal.

The study headline read...

>>> Resistance Training Reverses The Aging
>>> In Human Muscle Tissue

Not "slows" or "repairs"...


I shocked me too.

I have been a champion of the anti.aging
lifestyle I teach in Fit Over 40. It certainly
"looks" like the 52 people in my book are
aging backwards.

See for yourself --

I never thought their muscles were literally
turning back the genetic clock. But this new
research proves this is exactly what is going
on when you exercise with resistance.

Resistance exercise can be weight training or
just using your bodyweight. This is exercise
that is heavy enough to cause some strain but
not so heavy that it is painful or dangerous.

Some of the biology aspects of the study are
frankly over my head. But I will try to give you
the highlights.

If you want to read the study yourself you can
find it on

The Unreal Findings

The mitochondria is the energy factory of the
human cell. As we age our muscles begin to
show what researchers call "mitochondrial
dysfunction". This is what causes all the bad
stuff associated with "sarcopenia."

Sarcopenia is just the wasting away of muscle
due to age and under-use. As we age most of
us will experience a gradual loss of muscle.

The problem? Muscle is active tissue. It is
responsible for most of the calories we use
during the day.

The less muscle you have, the more bodyfat
you will gain if you eat the same amount of

Muscle loss is also related to the onset of many
bone diseases. The muscle that holds our spine
in alignment can deteriorate as we age and
cause major back problems. The same is true
for the muscle and tendons around the knee
and hip joints.

Can you see why muscle loss is a major deal?
Is it any wonder researchers wanted to see if
there was something we could do about it?

Resistance training obviously builds muscle.
And it does so at any age. Just look at anyone
in my book and you will be convinced of that.

But that is not the real find in this study. We have
numerous studies that show you can gain lean
muscle at any age.

>>> This study revealed something extraordinary:
>>> after just six months of resistance training
>>> test subjects showed a "reversal of most of
>>> the genes affected by age" in muscle tissue.

With age and no resistance training, researchers
found 596 genes expressing themselves with
"aging", or decreased mitochondrial function.

But when subjects engaged in resistance training,
in this case simple weight training, look what
happened --

-- Their strength increased by over 20%;
-- And their genes literally "reverted back" to the
same markers as "younger" genes after only
six months of exercise

This is staggering.

It is one thing to maintain muscle as we age. To
gain muscle is even better.

But to know that we are literally reverting our
genes to a "younger version" within the muscle?
And after only six months?

That is downright amazing.

That's not all...

When the older folks in the study began, they were
almost 60% weaker than the younger members of
the study.

In just six months, they were only 38% weaker.

I can tell you from personal experience that in a
few more months they would be even stronger.
In some cases their strength would surpass the
younger test subjects.

I am much stronger now than when I was 23, or
33. I am now 43.

I plan to be stronger at 53.

Strength is not a luxury as we age. It is absolutely
necessary for longevity and health. And this all
takes place at the genetic level.

Just imagine.

What You Need To Do

Everyone reading this letter needs to start today
with resistance training. It is now a PROVEN way
to make the aging process turn around at the
genetic level within the cell.

And now you know why the role models in my
book "Fit Over 40" look as if they are 15-20 years
younger than they really are --

Genetically, they 'are' younger than their calendar

Isn't that incredible?

Are you ready to join them? Pick up my book today
and you'll find your own roadmap to begin. In a
freee bonus, Craig Ballantyne gives you an 8-week
in-home bodyweight resistance program that is
perfect for beginner and intermediate trainees.

If you already have my book, you will find this in
the Member's Downloads.

I also include dozens of ideal gym-based workouts
for intermediate and advanced trainees.

Combined with the nutrition principles I cover, you
can be on your way to "literally" turning back the
genetic clock.

You'll look better and feel better than you ever
have to boot.


Jon Benson
Creator, Fit Over 40

P.S. So many people turn to plastic surgery and
drugs for this same effect. There is nothing
wrong with that...but wouldn't you rather use a
natural and safe alternative?

And one that helps you in a hundred other ways?

I have always called resistance training the one
true Fountain of Youth. It certainly makes a body
look and feel younger than any form of exercise
I have ever tried.

Give it a shot yourself. It is a gift that can add
years to your life and take away years from your
looks -- all at the same time.


Thanks Jon for contributing to this Ezine! That was a great article.

Check out the pictures of Jon on his website above...

I think that proves that you CAN age in reverse! The top pic is Jon
today at 43 years old and in incredible shape. The bottom pic is Jon in
his early 30's I believe. I certainly think he looks younger now!

I'm out for today. I'll be back soon. Til then...

Don't be lazy...Be lean.

Mike Geary
Certified Nutrition Specialist
Certified Personal Trainer
Founder - &

PS - if you found todays article interesting, feel free to forward this
email to any family or friends that you think will like it.
1104 Woodhollow Drive

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