Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Hidden super-food already in your cabinet

In today's Lean-Body Secrets Ezine, I wanted to talk about a tasty
super-food that's probably already in your cabinets, and you may not even
realize it's powerful health-food status.

You would probably use more of this stuff if you knew that's it's not
only a powerful antioxidant, but also helps improve your body's ability
to control your blood sugar, and reduces heart disease risk!

So what is this common substance that may already be in your cabinets?

It's good old tasty cinnamon!

I've read numerous studies over the years about cinnamon and it's
powerful antioxidant content. To add to the benefits, I just recently read a
study that involved giving diabetic patients 1 gram (about 1/4 - 1/3
tsp) of cinnamon a day for 6 weeks.

In that time, the subjects significantly reduced their triglycerides
and LDL bad cholesterol. Not only that, but they also reduced their
average blood sugar levels displaying cinnamon's power in helping to improve
your body's glycemic control.

And you know what that means... more steady blood sugar levels means it
will be easier to lose body fat.

So don't be shy in using the cinnamon shaker in your daily
meals/snacks. Keep in mind that this does NOT mean that cinnamon buns are
healthy... they'll only lead you down the road to blubber-town.

Instead, here are some healthy options for including cinnamon in your

1. Add cinnamon to cottage cheese with apple slices and stevia for

2. Add cinnamon to oatmeal with raisins or apple slices

3. Add cinnamon to your coffee or tea

4. Add cinnamon to protein smoothies. Try adding cinnamon to a vanilla
protein's delicious.

5. Sprinkle cinnamon on your cold cereal or any hot cereals

6. Sprinkle on whole grain or sprouted grain toast with almond butter
and raisins or fruit slices.

7. Add cinnamon and walnuts to vanilla yogurt for a unique flavor.

Alright, hope you enjoyed this quick little tip today on another
super-food you can add to your arsenal. I plan to keep giving you ideas for
more super-foods in the near future.

Feel free to forward this email to any friends, family, or coworkers
that might enjoy these ideas.

Til next time,

Don't be lazy... be lean.

Mike Geary
Certified Nutrition Specialist
Certified Personal Trainer
Founder - &

Recommended resource for healthy yet easy meal planning:


Just wanted to let you know that I'm still using Meal Plans 101 based
on your recommendation, and now it's a part of my everyday life. I've
lost about 12 pounds thus far. As a grad student, full-time employee and
new father, it makes planning meals extra convenient!"

-Joshua Jones

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